The greatest site in all the land!

Mapa del mundo

Mapa completo

Zona por niveles

    1-15: Zones adjacent to all major cities (there are 4 since Rata Sum and the Grove seem to share a zone for this) 15-25: Kessex Hills, west of Kessex Hills, west of Wayfarer Foothills and north of Plains of Ashford 25-35: Gendarran Fields 30-40: South of Blazeridge Steppes (this doesn’t seem right position-wise but that’s what I seem to see), Timberline Falls 35-45: Valley Headland 40-50: East of Timberline Falls, Blazeridge Steppes 50-60: NW of Blazeridge Steppes, south of Timberline Falls 55-65: Sparkfly Fen 60: Island SW of Lion’s Arch 60-70: The zone with the volcano SW of Ancient Dwarflands, Regrown Flame 70-75: NE Orr 70-80: Northernmost Shiverpeaks zone (with the big lake) 75-80: NW Orr 80: W Orr

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